Berita Terbaru
Thursday, October 16, 2014


3:11 PM

Good communication is the foundation of successful relationships, both personally and professionally. But we communicate with much more than words. In fact, research shows that the majority of our communication is nonverbal. Nonverbal communication, or body language, includes our facial expressions, gestures, eye contact, posture, and even the tone of our voice. The ability to understand and use nonverbal communication is professional tool that will help you connect with others, express what you really mean, navigate challenging situations, and build better relationships at home and work.

A.  What is Body Language
When we interact with others, we continuously give and receive wordless signals. Body language is type of non verbal communication that relies on body movements (such as gestures, posture, facial expression etc) to convey messages. Body language may be used consciously or unconsciously. All of our nonverbal behaviors the gestures we make, the way we sit, how fast or how loud we talk, how close we stand, how much eye contact we make send strong messages. These messages don’t stop when you stop speaking either. Even when you’re silent, you’re still communicating nonverbally. If you want to become a better communicator, it’s important to become more sensitive not only to the body language and nonverbal cues of others, but also to your own.
Nonverbal communication cues can play five roles, it can be said also as function of non-verbal communication :
1.    Repetition
They can repeat the message the person is making verbally. Nonverbal behavior can repeat the behavior verbal. For example, you nod when to say "Yes," or shaking the head when he said "No," or show direction (with index) where one must go to find a toilet.
2.   Contradiction
They can contradict a message the individual is trying to convey. Nonverbal behavior can be denied or contrary to verbal behavior and can gives another meaning to the message verbal. For example, you praised the achievements friend while shoot out the lip. It is really contradict between your saying and your gestures.
3.   Substitution
They can substitute for a verbal message. Nonverbal behavior can replace verbal behavior, so without speaking you can interact with others. For example, Your car came to a street musician then without saying a word you wiggle your hands with palms facing forward (As a substitute for the word "No"). Nonverbal cues that replaces the word or phrase is called emblems.
4.   Complementing
They may add to or complement a verbal message. Nonverbal behavior can regulate behavior verbal. For example, when the college will end, You see watches two-three times so the lecturer immediately closed his lecture.
5.    Accenting
They may accent or underline a verbal message. For example, using the hand gestures, tone of voice which slowly when speech can underline a message that you share to the audience.

B.  Types of Body Language
There are many different types of nonverbal communication. Together, the following nonverbal signals and cues communicate your interest and investment in others.
1.    Facial expressions
The human face is extremely expressive, able to express countless emotions without saying a word. And unlike some forms of nonverbal communication, facial expressions are universal. The facial expressions for happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, fear, and disgust are the same across cultures.
2.    Body movements and posture
Consider how your perceptions of people are affected by the way they sit, walk, stand up, or hold their head. The way you move and carry yourself communicates a wealth of information to the world. This type of nonverbal communication includes your posture, bearing, stance, and subtle movements.

3.    Gestures
Gestures are woven into the fabric of our daily lives. We wave, point, beckon, and use our hands when we’re arguing or speaking animatedly expressing ourselves with gestures often without thinking. However, the meaning of gestures can be very different across cultures and regions, so it’s important to be careful to avoid misinterpretation.
4.    Eye contact
Since the visual sense is dominant for most people, eye contact is an especially important type of nonverbal communication. The way you look at someone can communicate many things, including interest, affection, hostility, or attraction. Eye contact is also important in maintaining the flow of conversation and for gauging the other person’s response.
5.    Touch
We communicate a great deal through touch. Think about the messages given by the following: a weak handshake, a timid tap on the shoulder, a warm bear hug, a reassuring slap on the back, a patronizing pat on the head, or a controlling grip on your arm.
6.    Space
Have you ever felt uncomfortable during a conversation because the other person was standing too close and invading your space? We all have a need for physical space, although that need differs depending on the culture, the situation, and the closeness of the relationship. You can use physical space to communicate many different nonverbal messages, including signals of intimacy and affection, aggression or dominance.
7.    Voice
It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it. When we speak, other people “read” our voices in addition to listening to our words. Things they pay attention to include your timing and pace, how loud you speak, your tone and inflection, and sound that convey understanding, such as “ahh” and “uh-huh.” Think about how someone’s tone of voice, for example, can indicate sarcasm, anger, affection, or confidence.

C.  Reading Body Language
Once you have developed your abilities to manage stress and recognize emotions, you’ll naturally become better at reading the nonverbal signals sent by others.
1.    Pay attention to inconsistencies.
Nonverbal communication should reinforce what is being said. Is the person is saying one thing, and their body language something else? For example, are they telling you “yes” while shaking their head no?
2.    Look at nonverbal communication signals as a group.
Don’t read too much into a single gesture or nonverbal cue. Consider all of the nonverbal signals you are receiving, from eye contact to tone of voice and body language. Taken together, are their nonverbal cues consistent or inconsistent with what their words are saying?
3.    Trust your instincts.
Don’t dismiss your gut feelings. If you get the sense that someone isn’t being honest or that something isn’t adding up, you may be picking up on a mismatch between verbal and nonverbal cues.
Evaluating nonverbal signals :
Ø Eye contact – Is eye contact being made? If so, is it overly intense or just right?
Ø Facial expression – What is their face showing? Is it masklike and unexpressive, or emotionally present and filled with interest?
Ø Tone of voice – Does their voice project warmth, confidence, and interest, or is it strained and blocked?
Ø Posture and gesture – Are their bodies relaxed or stiff and immobile? Are shoulders tense and raised, or slightly sloped?
Ø Touch – Is there any physical contact? Is it appropriate to the situation? Does it make you feel uncomfortable?
Ø Intensity – Do they seem flat, cool, and disinterested, or over–the–top and melodramatic?
Ø Timing and pace – Is there an easy flow of information back and forth? Do nonverbal responses come too quickly or too slowly?
Ø Sounds – Do you hear sounds that indicate caring or concern?

D.  Improving Communication
Nonverbal communication is a rapidly flowing back-and-forth process requiring your full concentration and attention. If you are planning what you’re going to say next, daydreaming, or thinking about something else, you are almost certain to miss nonverbal cues and other subtleties in the conversation. You need to stay focused on the moment-to-moment experience in order to fully understand what’s going on.
1.    To improve nonverbal communication, learn to manage stress
Learning how to manage stress in the heat of the moment is one of the most important things you can do to improve your nonverbal communication. Stress compromises your ability to communicate. When you’re stressed out, you’re more likely to misread other people, send confusing or off-putting nonverbal signals, and lapse into unhealthy knee-jerk patterns of behavior. Furthermore, emotions are contagious. You being upset is very likely to trigger others to be upset, making a bad situation worse. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by stress, it’s best to take a time out. Take a moment to calm down before you jump back into the conversation. Once you’ve regained your emotional equilibrium, you’ll be better equipped to deal with the situation in a positive way.
2.    How emotional awareness strengthens nonverbal communication
In order to send accurate nonverbal cues, you need to be aware of your emotions and how they influence you. You also need to be able to recognize the emotions of others and the true feelings behind the cues they are sending. This is where emotional awareness comes in. Emotional awareness enables you to:
Ø Accurately read other people, including the emotions they’re feeling and the unspoken messages they’re sending.
Ø Create trust in relationships by sending nonverbal signals that match up with your words.
Ø Respond in ways that show others that you understand, notice, and care.
Ø Know if the relationship is meeting your emotional needs, giving you the option to either repair the relationship or move on.

The point of this exercise is to develop your nonverbal awareness. As you continue to pay attention to the nonverbal cues and signals you send and receive, your ability to communicate will improve.


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